Intervention does that for me. I like to watch it with a drink and feel smug that no one has yet approached me to be in a "documentary about addiction." (By the way, when are the addicts going to catch on to that? I mean, they watch TV. Especially the ones on meth or coke where they stay up for 72 hours at a time, and Intervention likes to run middle-of-the-night reruns. You gotta know one of these days one of them is going to get approached and say "Waaait a minute, sucker, I've heard this song before" and it will be like Punk'd when Ashton Kutcher had to cancel the show because every time something weird happened to a celebrity they were like "Ashton?! ASHTON! Am I getting punked?")
On the other hand, as this week has shown, I am totally dependent on Klonopin which I've been on since I was 16 for Tourette's syndrome. I accidentally left my prescription up in Cambridge so I had to get a refill here in Houston, but it took several days. Meanwhile I had imsomnia, weird dreams, loss of appetite, irritability, nausea, anxiety, muscle cramps and fatigue, and tingling in my face. According to the interwebs, Klonopin is a Class 1 narcotic and has withdrawal symptoms similar to heroin. The things they don't tell you when they put you on mind-altering drugs during adolescence...sigh.
However, I am back on it and feeling fine now, and as I told my dad, we should just think of it as insulin, the kind of med you might be on your whole life but which enables you to live fairly normally and which, in my case, does a good job of controlling the Tourette's. However, I do watch Intervention now feeling like there's just a bottle of cheap wine between me and that shady hotel room with all my loved ones and the interventionist (who I will totally recognize from the show, duh).
So I'm switching my attention to Hoarders. I can still maintain my moral superiority there. There's a lot of crazy on that show, and I highly recommend it to those who need assurance that their little idiosyncracies are nothing to worry about as long as their back issues of Reader's Digest from the 1950s aren't threatening to take over their house and force them to find a new abode.
Argh. I know a hoarder. A really close relation of mine. It is a symptom of OCPD, which is often confused with OCD but is a totally different thing with a confusingly similar name. I don't know what to do about the relation, as I think I am the only person who knows about the disorder and that she definitely has it. It is such a tricky subject.
Eep. What does one do in such a situation? If the TV show is to be believed (and isn't it always?) the secret will out eventually because her house will be condemned. Let us hope there is help available before it comes to that.
I know OCD fairly well, OCPD is sort of a spin-off of it, no? Do meds work? Best of luck, Po.
Actually OCD and OCPD are quite vastly different although the names are so similar. But I won't go into the details of it all here :)
Thanks. I don't know much about Tourettes, but anything that forces you to take meds every day must be tough to bear.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Sometimes when I'm surfing through the TV channels I land on Hoarders -- and become transfixed.
As I clean my house -- which essentially just means moving piles of stuff around -- I remember scenes from Hoarders and wonder: Is this how it begins?!?
Loved your previous post on "raising" kids -- I have felt like that for years but assumed it was primarily because I was old, and didn't have my own children. But you're young and have had lots of kids -- so I feel more justified!
Was great seeing you over the holidays. Hope you're staying warm.
Judy B.
Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
Saw your comment on the LPM blog and immediately thought we are kindred spirits. I love Anne Lamott and I have read a little of your blog and love the way you write as well. AFter this last post of yours, I'm thinking I don't watch enough TV!
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