"In the end, we are where we come from."--Peter Gomes

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Last Day in Cape Town

Today was my last day in Cape Town. I walked around the botanical gardens, went for my last cup of coffee at Seattle's Best, where they were so sad to see their best customer go that my coffee was free, and chatted with Father Terry. Before I left, I said, "I want a blessing." I mean, that's part of the gig as a priest, right? I figured he'd just rattle off a brief prayer in his offices, but he said, "Meet me down in the cathedral." He put on his collar, and then I knelt in front of the altar in this great church that has been such a voice for justice and joy--in short, such a voice for the gospel, in this broken, beautiful place. He made the sign of the Cross on my palms and forehead, and said, "In the name of the God who created you, the Christ who died to redeem you, and the life-giving Spirit who breathes on you" before speaking a blessing over me. Seriously, Anglicans do it up right. When they bless you, you know you've been blessed.

Then we walked out in the brightness of day, and he hugged me and said, "All right, girl--safe home. Take care of yourself. And don't be too good." I believe I will keep him as a friend, which is the very best thing I could have brought back from South Africa.

Headed home in the evening. 48 hours until I head to DC and then to Cairo.

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